Midwest Historic Masonic Lodge Association, Inc.

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Annual Individual Membership
Individual members must be current Master Masons OR current members of Masonic Organizations recognized as published by the Masonic Services Association.  This includes Lodges and Order of the Eastern Star.  Individual membership is $50.00 per year.
Either print our Individual Application Form and forward it with your check
Purchase your annual individual membership online through PayPal here.
Midwest Historic Masonic Lodge Association Services
At Midwest Historic Masonic Lodge Association, we take strive to put Masonry in the public eye - over 300 years of history!  By honestly and actively presenting our fraternity in an interactive accredited museum we expect to increase interest in joining and being active in our local lodges and organizations. 
Annual Organization Membership
Organization members must support Masonic goals.  Although we primarily support Masonic organizations (Lodges, OES Chapters, York Rite bodies, Scottish Rite Bodies, Shrine units, etc.), we accept any organization that supports the goals of Masonry as recognized by our recognizing Grand Lodges. Membership is $50.00 per year and provides a single vote in our elections.  We can also send speakers to your meetings to answer questions and provide additional information.
​Either print our Organization Application Form and forward it with your check
Purchase your annual organization membership online through PayPal here.

Charitable Donation to 501(c)(3)
MHMLA Inc. is registered with the IRS as a presumptive Tax Exempt Charitable Education organization and is incorporated in the State of Kansas as a Not For Profit Corporation.  Your tax deductible donation can be sent to us directly
by using the PayPal Donation button.